Instagram: @kommraushannover
Facebook: KOMMRAUS Hannover
In the summer of 2021, the Kulturband collective organised a large 45-day open-air festival at the Ricklinger Bad Hannover.
In the spring of 2021, the cultural sector found itself in a crushing situation: after a year of the Corona pandemic, everyday life was marked by cancellations, postponements and endless frustration. Despite numerous creative ideas, the months were marked by stagnation and resignation for most. Looking ahead to the summer, however, some actors from Hanover were gripped by confidence. So we joined forces with the Kulturzentrum Faust, Indiego and Cafe Glocksee, Béi Chéz Heinz and the MusikZentrum in the Kulturband collective. We were supported by the state capital of Hannover.
Together we dared to do something new: unusual terrain, open-air, 45 days of non-stop programme, and everyone gets involved. We turned the large, green lawn at the RicklingerBad into a colourful playground for culture, let off steam together and celebrated summer.
A total of 39 events took place in the main evening programme. In addition, we were able to offer theme days with a socio-political focus on the Kulturwiese, which were free of charge. On a total of 11 days, we invited people to discussions, lectures, performances, workshops and concerts.