Bildnachweis Foto: Thomas Langreder


The Cultural Center Pavillon is located in the immediate vicinity to the Hanover Central Station. The building is a large low rise building with grey paint, big shop windows and a red all-round roof overhang. The main entrance is located opposite the Weißekreuzplatz and next to the Café Mezzo.

You can find the Cultural Center at this address:

Kulturzentrum Pavillon
Lister Meile 4
30161 Hannover

There are many ways to reach the Pavillon. We recommend travelling by public transport or bicycle. Bicycle stands are located directly at the Cultural Center.

Journey by public transport

Many tickets for events in the Cultural Center Pavillon are combination tickets and can be used as public transport tickets in the entire GVH area (zones ABC). You can recognise this by the GVH logo on your ticket. The combination ticket is valid as a public transportation ticket for three hours before the start of the event until 5 a.m. the following day.

To get there by public transportation choose the Hanover Central Station as your stop. Use the following lines by underground/light train:

  • Line 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 and 9 | Stop: Hauptbahnhof (tunnelstation)
  • Line 10 and 17 | Stop: Hauptbahnhof/ZOB (above ground)

Use the following bus lines to get there:

  • Bus line 121 | Bus stop: Hauptbahnhof/ZOB
  • Bus line 128, 134 | Bus stop: Hauptbahnhof/Ernst-August-Platz
    Regiobus 500, 700, 900 | Bus stop: Hauptbahnhof/ZOB

To the timetable information:

Footpath from the Hanover Central Station to the Cultural Center Pavillon

At the Hanover Central Station choose the northern exit/Raschplatz and walk straight ahead under the Raschplatzhochstraße over the pedestrian crossing with traffic lights. You are now standing in front of the Oststadtbücherei. The Cultural Center Pavillon is located in the same building. From the library, walk 50 meter to left along the building to the main entrance. The entire distance from the Hanover Central Station to the Pavillon is approximately 300 meters.

Journey by car

By car, please follow the traffic signs to the Central Station. The Raschplatz underground car park (under the Raschplatzhochstraße) and the Friesenstraße/Lister Tor multi-storey car park are located directly near the station. From there it is 100 meters to the Pavillon.

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